Monday, November 29, 2010


Welcome Back Friend,

When you think weight loss, what are your first thoughts? Are you thinking, dieting SUCKS!  Or, maybe it's, well if I exercise I can still eat and drink what I want.  Or, are you thinking, if I want to lose weight I can't have any fun and I have to give up all the foods and beverages I love.  Well, neither is necessarily true.  What if I told you that you can still lose weight and eat and drink some of the things you love.  I bet you're sitting there thinking YEAH RIGHT! 

Guess what?  You can!  IN MODERATION!  The problem with most people these days is they OVER EAT!  Americans are PIGS!!!  Take for example, Myself and Thanksgiving.  I love food and I love to eat and over the course of 3 days during Turkey Day I more or less gorged myself with food and drink.  Now, I don't always eat like that but I did and I felt miserable.  I gained 8 POUNDS in 3 DAYS!   People that is awful and coming from me a PERSONAL TRAINER that really doesn't set a good example.  However, I did it to prove a point, that if its available, we will eat it because we are human and we succumb to temptation, which can be a very evil thing. 

Now, pay attention!  If you are a person reading this thinking I don't eat that much and I feel I am a relatively healthy eater chances are you are not.  First off, eating fewer calories is great don't get me wrong but skipping meals is rarely the best option.  Too often, I hear clients telling me I don't have time to eat I am to busy.  That is no excuse.  I am sure you have more than enough time to eat and I definitely know there is plenty of time to get a snack in as well. 

Lets take time to find time. Are you ready?
While checking emails? Facebook?  Reading this blog?  Shopping online?  Watching TV?  Driving in the Car?....  I'll just leave it at that for now, I think you get the picture.  Make time for yourself because time waits for no one. 

Wait a minute... Let's get back to the eating thing.  PORTION SIZE IS EVERYTHING!!!!  Take for example, going out to eat.  Now, I'm sure you are no dummy and you know that what they serve you in a restaurant is fr more than a normal serving size.  If you don't, PAY ATTENTION!!  Almost everything you order in a restaurant is easily more than 2X a normal serving size.  I'm not saying you shouldn't eat it or that you can't eat it.  I am saying that you shouldn't eat the whole thing, resist temptation and cut it in half and take the rest home.  More often than not in that one meal you are getting close to half, if not more, of your daily caloric intake.  So people be smart!  The same goes for when you're at home.  And do not neglect your three main meals.  Especially not BREAKFAST!!!

Here is a great recipe for some added flavor to your chicken or fish dinners:
Peach Pico de Gallo

1 c. peaches, diced
1 c. mango, diced
1/4 c. onion, diced
1/4 c. yellow pepper, diced
2 Tbsp. cilantro, minced
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/2 chipotle, minced
Sea salt
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and heat on medium. Makes 2 cups.

Hope you enjoy!

Oh ,by the way, snacking is allowed.  However, as well as your regular meals, your snacks should be high in nutritional value because PEOPLE, THEY DO SERVE A PURPOSE!!!  So, go ahead and eat just eat SMART and OFTEN by purchasing foods with higher nutritional values and avoiding processed JUNK!!!

Thanks For Stopping By,