Friday, September 23, 2011


Welcome Back,

In today's society there is a common misconception that we should avoid fats in our diet.  When in fact fats are a vital nutrient and incredible source of energy.  Below is a very informative article I found on about good fats vs. bad fats.  This is only part of the article if you would like to learn more follow the link at the bottom of the page. 

Best Wishes,

The Skinny on Fat: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

How fats fit into your healthy diet.
WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Fat, fat, fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. We actually need fats -- can't live without them, in fact. Fats are an important part of a healthy diet: They provide essential fatty acids, keep ourskin soft, deliver fat-soluble vitamins, and are a great source of energizing fuel. But it's easy to get confused about good fats vs. bad fats, how much fat we should eat, how to avoid artery-clogging trans fats, and the role omega-3 fatty acids play in heart health.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults get 20%-35% of their calories from fats. At a minimum, we need at least 10% of our calories to come from fat.
The problem is that the typical American diet is higher in fat: Roughly 34% to 40% of our calories come from fat. Why? Because they taste so good and are widely available in our food supply. Fats enhance the flavors of foods and give our mouths that wonderful feel that is so satisfying.

Does Dietary Fat Make You Fat?

So you might assume that fat is to blame for the obesity epidemic now plaguing our nation. Actually, fat is only part of the problem. Obesity is much more complicated than just overeating a single nutrient. Eating more calories -- from fats, carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol -- than you burn off leads to weight gain. Simply put, people who get little physical activity and eat a diet high in calories are going to gain weight. Genetics, age, sex, and lifestyle also weigh into the weight-gain formula.
That said, dietary fat plays a significant role in obesity. Fat is calorie-dense, at 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein have only 4 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram. It's easy to overeat fats because they lurk in so many foods we love: french fries, processed foods, cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, thick steaks, and cheese.
And eating too much fat does more than expand our waistlines. Our love affair with fat has helped to trigger an increase in the rates of type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and heart disease.   

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are You One Dimensional?

Welcome Friend(s),

How do you train?  Do you train on your own? With a partner or a trainer?  Either way there is a pretty good chance that for the most part you do a lot of the same (if not similar) exercises more often than you would like.  CORRECT?  For example bench press, curls, squats, etc.

If so, get out of your one dimensional way(s) and mix things up a bit.  There a three different planes in which your body can move in: saggital which runs front to back dividing you into right and left halves, frontal which runs from left to right dividing your body into front and back halves and the transverse plane which divides the body top and bottom halves.  Each plane allows for different movements such as leg extension and biceps curls in the saggital plane, lateral raises and shoulder shrugs in the frontal plane, and trunk rotations in the transverse plane. 

My challenge to you is to try and incorporate movements from at least two of these planes simultaneously in one exercise inorder to increase functional training effeciency and decrease the boredom.  We don't opperate in a one dimensional life so why should we train in one?

Listed is a list of my favorite muli-plane exercises to get you started.

1. Burpees w/ or w/out push-up- (saggital/frontal) hands down my absolute favorite!
2. Ski-Jackers-(saggital/fontal) (transverse with a twist)
3. Dead-Lift- (saggital/ frontal)
4. Lunge w/ med-ball twist (saggital/ transverse)
5. 3 jacks (saggital/ frontal)

Feel free to give these a try and see what it adds to your training.

Best Wishes and Good Luck,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kickin' The HABIT

Welcome Back,

In the health and fitness industry we encounter many obsticals.  Whether it is with food, exercising regularly, or simply finding motivation to want to be healthier.  Whatever it may be there are no impossible obsticals, they are only as difficult as you make them.   More often than not they appear difficult because we are so use to doing things the only way we know how.  Therefore it becomes HABIT. 

Obviously not all habits are bad, if they were, we would all be in trouble!

Habits are made and fortunately they can inturn, be broken for good or bad.  However, we are going to focus on breaking the BAD and making them GOOD. 

Research shows that it takes on average 21 days to break a habit.  Unfortunately, most of us don't ever make it to the 21 day mark to see any sort of positive change.  Instead we tend to think with the mindset that "if it hasn't killed me yet, it can't be that bad for me."  YET is the opperative word there.  Hasn't killed you YET! 

The United States of America is the #1 obese country in the world and it is because of that irrational thinking that got us to the TOP SPOT on a list I personally am not proud to be on.  We live in day and age where our children are dying before the parents because of preventable diseases like childhood diabetes (typically due to childhood obesity) primarly because of poor eating HABITS!  Allowed by who?  THE PARENTS!

Children do not know any different. It is up to the parents to take an active roll in the childs' lives and set good examples for them at an early age in order to prevent unnecessary illnesses throughout their lives. 

Now don't get me wrong, I think a kid should be a kid and be able to enjoy a candy bar from time to time.  But parents come on lets be a little bit reallistic about this and keep the garbage out of your house.  Good habits start in the home and they start with YOU! 

You are like superheros to your kids whatever you do they want to do too.  If they see you drink a pop they want a pop, if you have a candy bar they want a candy bar.  The list goes on and on.  So why not create the imprint in their minds at a young age that fruits and veggies are delicious and nutritious.  I know it's not always the most convenient snack but that is the problem with people to day is that we are so spoiled by convenience that we neglect to take the time to prepare a health conscious meal or snack not only for our kids but for ourselves as adults.  Instead of the morning pop have a CUP (6-8oz.) of BLACK COFFEE and a water with your breakfast and rather than wake up with just enough time to race out the door to work wake up 30 minutes earlier and have some breakfast with your kids.

I understand people don't like change, believe me I didn't either but I knew that if I didn't change in the profession I am in why should anyone else to want to either.

Take for example my love for Dr. Pepper. I will admit that there was a time where my vice was Dr. Pepper and believe me I LOVE Dr. Pepper!  But I realized that even though I enjoyed the taste of it, I knew that it was one of my obsticals I had to adjust to for me to achieve the goals I was trying to obtain.  First of all pop is aweful for you regardless of the delicious taste, but 90 percent of the time so is most anything that taste great.  But you learn to adapt.

I use to drink at least one pop daily and now I am lucky if I drink one a month.  I was able to kick the habit in less than a week because what I was working for meant that much to me. I was running a do as I say not as I do business and in fitness that just frustrates people more than motivates, so I had to make some changes. And I did!  I no longer crave pop, in fact I find that I can't get enough water and a pop just doesn't hit the spot anymore. 

All it takes is a little will power and the motivation to want to take the steps toward living a healthier and happier life. 

I KICKED my habit. And you can too! 

Best Wishes,

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen,

I have a bone to pick with you!  How many of you read these blog posts and apply them to your everyday life?  And, How many of you read them and shrug them off as "same old crap just a different day"? 

Either way we need to chat!  Now as a personal health and fitness advisor it is my job and personal goal in life to help each and every one of you achieve personal fitness success. Keep in mind I am not a miracle worker and I DO NOT have a magic pill that gets immediate results.  NO BODY DOES!  And if they do, chances are, it's probably not safe for you. 

So enough with the rambling.  Because I truly want to help you, it's what I love to do!  So if you would like my help and guidance.  I will give you everything I have got to get you to where you are going.  But what I am going to need from you is a little SELFISHNESS!  That's right be selfish for once in your life, stop doing what everyone else wants/ expects you to do and do something for yourself. 

To life a healthy life means change.  Believe me I know, change is scary. But change is also, GOOD!  You're thinking, well, what do you mean change.  ("I don't want to give up my weekends of fun"(ALCOHOL) or "Eating healthy is too, expensive.") You are somewhat correct on the latter, eating healthy is expensive, but it doesn't have to cost you anything extra, if you could/would just make a few sacrifices. 

Let me ask you this, What is one of your vices you think you can't live with out?  Try getting rid of that and take the money you save from one of your daily/weekly habits (that I am sure isn't all that good for you) and apply that towards healthier foods. 

Back to being selfish.  This can all be done with baby steps but no one else is going to do this for you.  If you find yourself doing everything for everyone else and can not for the life of you remember the last time you did something for you, take this time to reflect and declare it "YOU TIME" or "ME TIME" whichever you prefer and do not let anyone or thing interrupt you for however long you determine.  "BREATHE!"  And say to yourself, "THIS IS FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE!" 

Once you can declare a "me time"  let it become routine, routines are healthy.  If you say your are going to run 3 miles at 5:30 am then get your butt out of bed and RUN! If you are meeting with trainer at a certain time do your best to keep that appointment, who cares if you inconvenience someone else for 45 minutes.  Let them know you will make it worth their while.  BECAUSE THIS IS MY TIME TO DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO FOR ME!




Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello Again,

I know, I know!  It has been far too long since my last blog post and I apologize.  I suppose I could use the excuse I hear all too often, "I'm BUSY,"  but I will not.  As a matter of fact I really don't have an excuse that would satisfy your distaste for my lack of commitment this summer to you as readers, fitness enthusiasts and friends. 

On a daily basis I continue to reiterate to my clients that their excuses do not matter to me.  There is always time to exercise it just takes a little extra commitment both physically and mentally.  Now, I understand that with summer, comes vacations and parties and all of the fun things that we all love to do.  I am guilty of it too! 

However that does not relieve me from my moral obligation to motivate and help each and everyone of you be successful in your fitness endeavours. 

Summer is coming to an end and as much as I really hate to say this it has been a hectic but a good one at that.  My one true excuse I will use is that I did get engaged this summer and on top of that bought a house, so if you could grant me this one excuse it would be appreciated. 

So Starting AUGUST 15th, my promise to you is to post a minimum of two health and fitness related posts monthly but my goal will be to hammer out 1 post weekly. 




Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some-er Distractions

Hi there,

Well, Summer is finally here!  Hopefully you were ready for it.  You worked hard all winter long and through the spring to get in the best shape of your life and now you're ready to sport that hot new swimsuit you've been dying to fit into. 

My question to you is, Are you the type of person who puts all of your efforts into getting ready for the summer only to party and watch everything you worked for go away?  Or, are you disciplined and continue to fine tune that body you worked so hard for? 

Throughout my years of training I have encounted far too many people who work their "tail" off right up until about the the first sign of nice weather and then they disappear from the gym.  Maybe they are taking advantage of the weather and participating in an outdoor fitness camp or prefer to run, walk or bike outside.  If so, GO YOU!  Unfortunately, a greater majority of those people are indulging in other "extra-curricular" activities. 

These I call "Some-er distractions" because some, not all, of the activities we choose to partake in have an unfortunately powerful strangle hold on our decision making when it comes to working out in the summer.  Keep in mind I am not saying you can not or should not enjoy your summer and have fun.  Just remember that more often than not these distraction come with consequences.  If you can live with potentially gaining back most if not all of the weight your worked so hard to lose than by all means go for it, it's your body, your life. 

However, a little note, sometimes indulging in too many "some-er distractions" will actually add unnecessary weight that you might find even more difficult to get rid of.

Best Wishes this Summer,

Monday, May 23, 2011

To Cardio, OR Not to Cardio?


Everyday I meet people who's goals are to lose weight, tone-up, and just look and feel better.  Unfortunately, those same people are the instant gratification type who want the quick fix to a problem that more than likely did not happen over night.  You did this to YOU and YOU can fix it.  It is just going to take a little time and a lot of effort and discipline.

You can try all of the fad diets and pills you want and you may lose a few pounds here and there, but you can almost guarantee that you will put it back on (often time(s) double the weight) just as fast as you lost it.  Now, if you do not already know, let me be the first to tell you that 80 percent of successful weight loss begins and ends with good nutrition.  The rest is exercise and SLEEP!(8 consecutive hours, minimum)  So unless suffer from insomnia or sleep apnea, this is the easy part. 

Exercise is great!  But there are different types of exercise(s) for different results.  Although weight training is great for toning and building muscle, the most effective form of exercise to assist in your weight loss journey is cardiovascular training.  Keep in mind, for this to be most effective you must first find your optimal training zone (Heart Rate) and then maintain that zone (fat burning) during bouts of cardiovascular activity. 

Please understand that I am not saying that you can not lift weights to burn fat.  You simply have to lift weights at a rate at which it increases your heart rate to the optimal training zone and maintain it as you would during a run, walk, or bike ride. 

Formula for finding your training zone:  220 - AGE= max heart rate(HR)   Cardiovascular endurance training (Max HR x .75 =  cardio training zone),  To burn fat you should train at 50-60 % of your max HR, to find your range take (Max HR x .5-.6= Fat burning zone).

Thank You for Stopping By,


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Ever Confusing Carbohydrate **???** To EAT or NOT To EAT

Hey there,

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Coach, keeping up with all the changing trends can be rather exhausting.  Do I eat this? Can I eat that? How much do I eat? And, when do I eat it?  WELL, I am here to try and help with some of the confusion as it pertains to a much needed macronutrient and major source of energy, the Carbohydrate.

Carbohydrates are a one of three major macronutrients that the body uses for energy.  When you here about high endurance athletes "carb loading" the night before an event they are in fact filling up their bodies tank(s) to allow for optimal performance.  Keep in  mind "carb loading" does not mean that they are ingesting "twinkies" and cupcakes but, complex carbohydrates that will stick with them for an extended period of time as fuel for their event. 

If your thinking, "why can't I carb load?" " I Love Carbs!"  The reason is that most people carb load at the wrong time of day and with the wrong type(s) of carbs.  Simple carbs are carbohydrates that are burnt off quickly and spike the glycogen strores (blood sugar) providing a quick burst of energy, however, with the possibility of a crash at the end.  Then there are Complex carbs.  These are what fuel you throughout the day. 

So now you're thinking, why don't I just eat bread all day if it gives me so much energy.  Well, because if you're like the majority of Americans the chance that you're going to burn all of that fuel as energy is highly unlikely and unless you're eating breads made from WHOLE GRAINS you are missing the picture.  We as Americans are lazy, and after a long day at work the tendency is to want to come home and veg-out on the couch.  We want food that tastes good and not like cardboard, therefore, we opt for the foods high in sugars and artificial sweeteners. Which in turn causes that unused energy to be stored as "FAT". 

Because we have other energy sources that our bodies draw from at different times for different levels of activities carb loading is not necessary.  Especially if the end goal is to shed unwanted fatty tissues. 

Although it is important to balance your proteins, fats and carbohydrates, if you want to burn unwanted adipose tissue (fat) try to keep your carbohydrates to that of the complex form (whole grains, oatmeal, vegetables) keeping the majority of the carbs in the morning for breakfast and taper your carb intake as the day gets longer.  My recommendation is to try and eliminate "bread" carbohydrates after 2pm.  Vegetables are good to eat anytime.  The more fresh (uncooked) the vegetables the more nutritional value they have.

Also, feel free to check out my new website.

Thank You,

Side note:  If your workout sessions are later in the day do not be afraid to eat some sort of complex carbohydrate 30-60 minutes prior to your workout.  Small enough to fuel your body but not so big it comes back up mid workout. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

4 Month Check Up

Hello Again,

Every New Year we find it necessary to make a resolution to do something we have not done or change something we have not changed.  And most of us are committed for a month or two, some of us a little longer but too few actually stick with the original plan.  Don't get me wrong, I am sure every resolution was made with the best of intention.  Unfortunately, LIFE HAPPENS!  I get it, YOU'RE HUMAN, aren't we all. 

We all slip up from time to time, no one is perfect.  Although we were taught not to be selfish, well some of us, but when it comes to your health it is OK to be selfish.  We as humans tend to get side tracked on doing everything for everyone else that we put "us" off for later.  Most times we forget about "us." Yes, sometimes it is second nature to put others first, but at what point to we have to draw the line and say, it's my time now!

Now this is a health and fitness blog, at least it is supposed to be.  So, if you are reading this and your New Year resolution was to go the gym more, get in better shape, run or walk more, lose weight, decrease body fat, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, this is for YOU.  However, if your resolution has nothing to do with health or fitness, this is still for you. 

Having said that, IT IS APRIL!  What have you done?  Are you on track to reaching your goals?  Or, are you the majority and have given up on what you set out to do?

This is your 4 MONTH CHECK UP!  If you are someone who made the resolution to better your health and fitness but have done nothing to help yourself, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!  This is where you reevaluate what is important to you and then do something about it.  It all starts with accountability and accountability begins and ends with YOU and only you. 

If you have given up on your resolution(s), MY CHALLENGE TO YOU IS, renew your resolution and get back on track, stop with the excuses and finish what you set out to do.  Life happens and unfortunately, it waits for no one.  So make time for NUMERO UNO!


Friday, March 18, 2011

What do you Rock?

Welcome back!  Sorry I took so long. 

I assume if you're reading this you either workout because you have to or workout because you're like me and you love to.  Either way, today's blog is not necessarily one for information that I provide to you but information for me, about my readers.

Now, I love listening to music and I especially love listening to music while I work out.  Music that gets my blood pumping and wakes me up and gets me moving.  I typically don't care what kind of music it is just as long as it has a good beat and a great tempo.  I try to coordinate my music for the type of training I am doing.  If am hitting the gym heavy I really enjoy listening to Linkin Park and bands of that nature and I will mix a little bit of rap/hip hop in as well, I'm not picky.  But like I said earlier I'll listen to anything that gets me moving. 

So, my question to you is, what gets you moving?  What motivates you to push through that last rep or finish that next mile, whatever it may be?  What type of music gets your mind correct and blocks out all other distractions?  Are you Punk? Country? Rock? Rap? Pop?  Maybe you got Beiber FEVER!  I'm not judging. Im just saying. 

Feel free to post what you Rock on your headphones or stereo in the comments or on the Hummel Health & Fitness Facebook page. 


Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Dare YOU!!!


In the Midwest, we don't have the luxury of gorgeous weather year around.  When you're couped up in the house for days on end or stuck working longer than average hours, because it's snowing or pouring down rain, this tends to take a toll on you both mentally and physically.  You may not realize it but sunshine has a powerfully positive affect on one's mind and body.  (don't get me wrong too much sun has its negative effects) The same goes with "CRAPPY" weather and unfortunately it's winter time and there may be more gloomy days than bright and shiny days.  This may not be the same for everyone but I will speak from my own experiences and what I have found over the years is that when the sun is high my spirits are high and when the sun is low (cloudy) my spirits are low adding much unwanted stress.  In my line of work I can't afford to be a "Debbie Downer"  if I was stressed and moody all the time no one would want to train with me.  So instead of letting my stresses build up, I find alternative ways to manage these stresses and alleviate them from my train of thought.  Because you have to keep going, so how do you deal with it?

Stress unfortunately is one of the leading causes of weight gain in America and it is something we as Americans put on ourselves.  You create your own stresses and that doesn't have to be.  More often than not when a person is experiencing higher levels of stress they rarely ever do something that rids themselves of some of the stress, but merely reach for, I don't know, "COMFORT FOOD" or bury it inside on top of all the other things that may be causing these unnecessary stresses.  When you do this, you are doing more harm than help to yourself, again, both mentally and physically.  When you don't fix the problem it tends to come back and haunt you with more vengeance than before, because all you did was add to the stress you previously had by eating something you knew wasn't good for you or you suppressed it for it to resurface at a later time.

 High levels of stress are known to cause increased levels of cortisol, which in turn can cause increased fat cell storage.  Cortisol like its counterpart adrenaline are both produced in the adrenal gland, cortisol which is more often produced during higher moments of stress causing one to be more lethargic thus promoting unwanted fat storage and adrenaline which promotes increased energy and the usage of fat cells for energy. 

GOOD NEWS!  There are ways to decrease your levels of stress and increase the amount of joy and success you are having on your weight loss journey.  However, like with everything it requires change, now this does not necessarily mean all at once, but simply, "BABY STEPS."  Find what works for you and stick with it but be honest with yourself and whatever you choose and when that isn't working anymore find something new.  What works for me may not work for you, so you have to find your own "peace maker," find what really makes you happy, something you know you wont regret, something that doesn't have a negative effect on the direction you choose to go.  Like go for a run, walk the dog or for some people its mowing the lawn.  So, what works for you?

A few of my personal "peace makers" are watching a hilarious movie or TV show, I love to laugh (YEAH I said movie or TV SOMETIMES its necessary to not do anything, but NOT ALWAYS), Reading (books that expand my mind, ie. self-help books)  and believe it or not exercise :).  I truly love going to the gym it makes or breaks my day.  There are days when I don't always feel like going but when I'm done I know that I did something to better myself for years down the road.  I use these as my outlets, my get away from reality, from the daily grind for just a brief moment in order to center myself and allow me to refocus on whats important my family, my health and my happiness.

Go ahead and find your Peace Maker, I DARE YOU!

Best Wishes,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Welcome Back,

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to 2011, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.  Now, I'm sure if you're reading this it's because your new years resolution was to lose weight and get in better shape.  If so, congratulations, and best wishes as you head down the road on your new journey. 

As i am sure you already know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Every year millions of people start the new year with the resolution to treat their bodies better and every year there are more people who de-committ to their resolution(s), usually within the first month, than there are who are fully committed to their fitness success. 

The reason for this is because: A) they are expecting overnight success, B) they are giving it a half-hearted effort, or C) they are missing a key ingredient necessary to accomplish their desired goals.  C: is what I am hear to talk to you about.  This key ingredient is that of a SOLID FOUNDATION and by solid foundation I mean proper nutrition and support for your body to maintain and perform at an optimum level.

Today's food sources, when it comes to the necessary nutrients needed for your body to operate as it was intended to do, are far below that of which our grandparents and parents were raised on.  With added preservatives and fillers our bodies aren't able to recognize some of the "garbage" we put into our bodies on a regular basis.  Thus, leading us towards the use of supplemental nutrition to make up for those nutrients lost through processing and cooking. 

I am a firm believer in supplementation for the right reasons.  Now, I will admit when I was younger I wanted the quick fix just like you. I was looking for the next best thing all the time that would put my fitness success over the top.  What I was doing, is what you should not do!!!  Weight loss and weight gain is not something that is done in a day or a week.  Yes, you can lose weight and/or gain in a week but it wont be the insane results you see on T.V. shows or fancy weight loss ads.  It's going to be a pound or two at a time. 

Transforming your body from fat to fit or bones to beach body, is and should always be, a marathon and never a sprint.  Sprinting to your destination can only lead to unwanted effects.  If you're looking to add nutritional supplements to help you on your way to your goals.  Start, by adding a good antioxidant and multi-vitamin/multi-mineral to your daily diet and then look into finding a cleanse you can take daily (keep in mind a cleanse is different than a detox).  Cleanses are becoming more and more popular and has become something that I personally can attest to, as I use a cleanse every day in order to "DE-GUNK" my system, to allow my body to be more receptive to the nutrients my body needs in order to rid my body of unwanted FREE-RADICALS and toxins.  So if supplementation is something you are looking into, make sure you know what it is you are purchasing before you buy, and always check with your physician before adding a product to your daily regimen. 

If you would like assistance in finding proper nutritional supplements please feel free to email me at I would be happy to help guide you on your way to fitness success!

Best Wishes,