Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Dare YOU!!!


In the Midwest, we don't have the luxury of gorgeous weather year around.  When you're couped up in the house for days on end or stuck working longer than average hours, because it's snowing or pouring down rain, this tends to take a toll on you both mentally and physically.  You may not realize it but sunshine has a powerfully positive affect on one's mind and body.  (don't get me wrong too much sun has its negative effects) The same goes with "CRAPPY" weather and unfortunately it's winter time and there may be more gloomy days than bright and shiny days.  This may not be the same for everyone but I will speak from my own experiences and what I have found over the years is that when the sun is high my spirits are high and when the sun is low (cloudy) my spirits are low adding much unwanted stress.  In my line of work I can't afford to be a "Debbie Downer"  if I was stressed and moody all the time no one would want to train with me.  So instead of letting my stresses build up, I find alternative ways to manage these stresses and alleviate them from my train of thought.  Because you have to keep going, so how do you deal with it?

Stress unfortunately is one of the leading causes of weight gain in America and it is something we as Americans put on ourselves.  You create your own stresses and that doesn't have to be.  More often than not when a person is experiencing higher levels of stress they rarely ever do something that rids themselves of some of the stress, but merely reach for, I don't know, "COMFORT FOOD" or bury it inside on top of all the other things that may be causing these unnecessary stresses.  When you do this, you are doing more harm than help to yourself, again, both mentally and physically.  When you don't fix the problem it tends to come back and haunt you with more vengeance than before, because all you did was add to the stress you previously had by eating something you knew wasn't good for you or you suppressed it for it to resurface at a later time.

 High levels of stress are known to cause increased levels of cortisol, which in turn can cause increased fat cell storage.  Cortisol like its counterpart adrenaline are both produced in the adrenal gland, cortisol which is more often produced during higher moments of stress causing one to be more lethargic thus promoting unwanted fat storage and adrenaline which promotes increased energy and the usage of fat cells for energy. 

GOOD NEWS!  There are ways to decrease your levels of stress and increase the amount of joy and success you are having on your weight loss journey.  However, like with everything it requires change, now this does not necessarily mean all at once, but simply, "BABY STEPS."  Find what works for you and stick with it but be honest with yourself and whatever you choose and when that isn't working anymore find something new.  What works for me may not work for you, so you have to find your own "peace maker," find what really makes you happy, something you know you wont regret, something that doesn't have a negative effect on the direction you choose to go.  Like go for a run, walk the dog or for some people its mowing the lawn.  So, what works for you?

A few of my personal "peace makers" are watching a hilarious movie or TV show, I love to laugh (YEAH I said movie or TV SOMETIMES its necessary to not do anything, but NOT ALWAYS), Reading (books that expand my mind, ie. self-help books)  and believe it or not exercise :).  I truly love going to the gym it makes or breaks my day.  There are days when I don't always feel like going but when I'm done I know that I did something to better myself for years down the road.  I use these as my outlets, my get away from reality, from the daily grind for just a brief moment in order to center myself and allow me to refocus on whats important my family, my health and my happiness.

Go ahead and find your Peace Maker, I DARE YOU!

Best Wishes,