Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Welcome Back,

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to 2011, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.  Now, I'm sure if you're reading this it's because your new years resolution was to lose weight and get in better shape.  If so, congratulations, and best wishes as you head down the road on your new journey. 

As i am sure you already know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Every year millions of people start the new year with the resolution to treat their bodies better and every year there are more people who de-committ to their resolution(s), usually within the first month, than there are who are fully committed to their fitness success. 

The reason for this is because: A) they are expecting overnight success, B) they are giving it a half-hearted effort, or C) they are missing a key ingredient necessary to accomplish their desired goals.  C: is what I am hear to talk to you about.  This key ingredient is that of a SOLID FOUNDATION and by solid foundation I mean proper nutrition and support for your body to maintain and perform at an optimum level.

Today's food sources, when it comes to the necessary nutrients needed for your body to operate as it was intended to do, are far below that of which our grandparents and parents were raised on.  With added preservatives and fillers our bodies aren't able to recognize some of the "garbage" we put into our bodies on a regular basis.  Thus, leading us towards the use of supplemental nutrition to make up for those nutrients lost through processing and cooking. 

I am a firm believer in supplementation for the right reasons.  Now, I will admit when I was younger I wanted the quick fix just like you. I was looking for the next best thing all the time that would put my fitness success over the top.  What I was doing, is what you should not do!!!  Weight loss and weight gain is not something that is done in a day or a week.  Yes, you can lose weight and/or gain in a week but it wont be the insane results you see on T.V. shows or fancy weight loss ads.  It's going to be a pound or two at a time. 

Transforming your body from fat to fit or bones to beach body, is and should always be, a marathon and never a sprint.  Sprinting to your destination can only lead to unwanted effects.  If you're looking to add nutritional supplements to help you on your way to your goals.  Start, by adding a good antioxidant and multi-vitamin/multi-mineral to your daily diet and then look into finding a cleanse you can take daily (keep in mind a cleanse is different than a detox).  Cleanses are becoming more and more popular and has become something that I personally can attest to, as I use a cleanse every day in order to "DE-GUNK" my system, to allow my body to be more receptive to the nutrients my body needs in order to rid my body of unwanted FREE-RADICALS and toxins.  So if supplementation is something you are looking into, make sure you know what it is you are purchasing before you buy, and always check with your physician before adding a product to your daily regimen. 

If you would like assistance in finding proper nutritional supplements please feel free to email me at wderek.hummel@gmail.com I would be happy to help guide you on your way to fitness success!

Best Wishes,