Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Train Your Mind, Train Your Body

Welcome Back,

As a trainer it is easy for me to have success with my own training because it is my life.  If I miss a scheduled workout for myself, my day just is not the same.  The reason being is that for me training is as much mental as it is physical.  If my mind is not ready, my workout(s) tend to suffer and the (training) day is lost. 

I am a huge stickler on NOT good, but EXCELLENT form when training, as even, the slightest mishap can lead to injury.  And the only way to excellent form is to pay attention and focus on the movement and muscles at hand.

As I work with my clients I repeatedly ask them to "focus" and by that I mean pay attention to the exercise at hand and the muscles we are trying to recruit for "work."  Too many people enter a gym or training facility with everything on their minds except for the task(s) at hand, keeping them from their full fitness potential. 

Take for example a simple push-up.  It is almost never ending, when I ask someone to perform a push-up that their triceps are doing 90% of the work and the big muscle we're trying to target (the chest) is doing little to none of the work.  When the client returns the next day or when I ask them as they finish up, how their chest is feeling, they reply "we did chest?" Or "my arms are sore."  We then have to return to the basics and re-train their minds to train their bodies.  As trainers, clearly we are not able to contract your muscles for you and without a severly invasive hands on technique, we can not tell if you are even using the "target muscles."  Typically the name of the exercise explains the muscle groups being worked, (with the exception of a few) so when asked to perform a Chest Press you should assume you will be using your chest.  If you are not feeling it in the chest, chances are you are not doing it correct and you should seek advice. 

Which brings me back to "train your mind to train your body."  Fitness and healthy living is a state of mind as much as it is an activity.  Too many people just go through the motions, which leads to boredom, which typically leads to a gym membership that is just another bill instead of what it should be, an "investment in your life."  If you can train your mind to see fitness as a way of life and increase its level of importance to you, rather than it being just another thing on your list of "things to do" going to the gym will matter and the likely hood of you continuing on to fitness success is far greater. 

It so much easier to quit something that takes work and effort especially if you are not "ALL IN" and unfortunately our health and wellness is the first thing kicked to the curb when life becomes too "busy."  I call BS!  It should always be in the forefront of our minds and the first thing thing to stay, its far less expensive to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle than it is to pay for perscriptions (and trips to the doctor) that may help one thing and hinder another.  Avoid the status quo and be different! 

TRAIN YOU MIND FOR SUCCESS, put fitness first and the body shall follow.  Your bosses will have to understand ;) because what good are you to them, if you're laid up in a hospital or WORSE! 

Best Wishes,