Hello again,
In America we have grown accustomed to instant gratification. Everything we do is fast paced, on the run, Go Go Go! So much that we make the excuse when it comes to fitness that we don't have enough time. I can't miss my show(s). Or we use our kids as a scapegoat. Well not anymore.
A workout can be done and done well in less than 30 minutes, whether its total body, cardio or body part specific. It can be done in your room on the road, in front of the tv in your house or in the break room at the office.
My favorite exercise that requires no equipment at all is the push up. There are so many different variation of the push that targets not only your chest muscles but your muscles throughout your body all the way to your toes. The push up is an excellent catalyst for muscle recruitment. It stimulates the muscles in your back, your chest, your core, and even your legs in some instances.
Below is a list of various push ups that can rock your body in less than 30 mind and keep your metabolism pumping all day.
Standard push ups
Incline push ups
Decline push ups
Spider mans
Burpee's w push ups
Diamond push ups
Alternating push ups (rt arm to lft arm)
Marine push ups (challenging)
Single arm push ups
And the list goes on, Master these exercise and you could be well on your way to a more chiseled physique.
Best wishes,
P.S. don't forget about nutrition!