Hello Again,
As a personal fitness coach it makes me happy to see people in the gym, but there are different types of people in the gym and a select few who make me really happy. Don't get me wrong if you are there and you are working out with a purpose GOOD FOR YOU! But there are too many people in the gym who don't have a clue, not one iota of what it takes to get the results they are looking for.
You have the person who comes in and sits on the elliptical or bike at a pace where, someone standing up from a seated position would break a better sweat. The former high school athlete at age 40 who tries to re-live their old football training days. The water cooler guy who spends more time getting drinks than actually training. Oh and lets not forget the beach muscle guy with the tiny tiny legs. And then, you have the warrior(s), the ones who come to the gym and get creative with their workouts and push themselves to the limits in order to achieve maximum results. You are the ones who I love to see in the gym! If the results aren't quite what you expect don't quit, they are right around the corner. KEEP IT UP!
So for those of you who like to get creative and mix things up a bit I am going to reveal to you my absolute favorite total body exercises that will help tone, rip and sculpt your body the way you've always imagined it!
Weighted Burpees- This is an exercise that should take you back to your elementary Phys. ed. days. With a set of dumbbells light enough to lift over your head, secure one DB in each hand in the standing position squat down into a crouched position DB in hand, weights on the ground, kick both legs back simultaneously, perform a push-up, hop back into crouched position from the crouched position stand or jump up finishing with a shoulder press (weights overhead) and repeat action. Try doing 8-10 at a time for 2-3 sets. (Body parts targeted: chest, legs, glutes, abs, back shoulders, biceps, triceps)
Kettle Bell Snatch- Using a kettlebell or dumbbell, whichever is available. Take the KB in one hand feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Let the KB hang between your knees, legs slightly bent. In one movement drive your elbow up toward the ceiling, flip the kb up allowing it to rotate in your palm letting it land on the backside of your forearm. Finished move should result in full arm extension overhead with kb on the backside of your wrist. (TIP: get your legs involved to provide momentum to move the kb) Perform exercise for each arm for 8-12 reps 2-3 sets. (body parts targeted: legs, abs, shoulders, back, triceps)
DB Front Squat w/ Arnold Press- Using two db's stand with db's in hand (chin height) palms facing you and feet shoulder width apart. Keeping the db's stationary perform a squat pushing your hips back and sitting down through your heels. (do not rest the weights on your shoulders, the should remain in front of your body at chin level) at the bottom of the squat return to the starting position pushing the db's overhead rotating the palms 180 degrees away from your body. Repeat.
Perform 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets. (body parts targeted: glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs, shoulders, biceps, triceps)
Dead lift- This is a difficult exercise to master and requires a lot of core strength to perform correctly. Using either DB or barbell. Select a weight that you can do for 6-8 reps each set. Starting with the weight in hands feet shoulder width apart lower your torso towards the ground keeping your back as flat as possible and your knees slightly bent. (AVOID locking your knees that is for a different exercise) Using a Mirror will help you with form. When your torso is parallel to the ground return to upright position still keeping a flat back pulling through with the hips at the top of the lift. (TIP for maintaining a flat back, keep your eyes in the mirror and the bar close to your shins. (body parts targeted: glutes, hamstrings, low back, abs)
HEAVY BAG- Ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking for an amazing total body workout that requires no lifting, but can result in a shredded figure. Head to the gym for some heavy bag time. Not only does this provide you a great total body workout but allows you to release all of the pent up aggression you might have stored. I just purchased a heavy bag for my home and I love it. Punching allows you to target all of the muscles in your back, chest shoulders arms and core. Kicking SMOKES the legs; quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core as well. With this combination not only can you develop a rock solid foundation, you can also increase overall strength and power and its one HELL of a Cardio workout! 30 minutes on the bag and you may never want to run again. :)
WELL, there you have it my top five total body exercise to get you on your way to the rock hard body you've been after.
Derek Hummel