Sunday, August 21, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen,

I have a bone to pick with you!  How many of you read these blog posts and apply them to your everyday life?  And, How many of you read them and shrug them off as "same old crap just a different day"? 

Either way we need to chat!  Now as a personal health and fitness advisor it is my job and personal goal in life to help each and every one of you achieve personal fitness success. Keep in mind I am not a miracle worker and I DO NOT have a magic pill that gets immediate results.  NO BODY DOES!  And if they do, chances are, it's probably not safe for you. 

So enough with the rambling.  Because I truly want to help you, it's what I love to do!  So if you would like my help and guidance.  I will give you everything I have got to get you to where you are going.  But what I am going to need from you is a little SELFISHNESS!  That's right be selfish for once in your life, stop doing what everyone else wants/ expects you to do and do something for yourself. 

To life a healthy life means change.  Believe me I know, change is scary. But change is also, GOOD!  You're thinking, well, what do you mean change.  ("I don't want to give up my weekends of fun"(ALCOHOL) or "Eating healthy is too, expensive.") You are somewhat correct on the latter, eating healthy is expensive, but it doesn't have to cost you anything extra, if you could/would just make a few sacrifices. 

Let me ask you this, What is one of your vices you think you can't live with out?  Try getting rid of that and take the money you save from one of your daily/weekly habits (that I am sure isn't all that good for you) and apply that towards healthier foods. 

Back to being selfish.  This can all be done with baby steps but no one else is going to do this for you.  If you find yourself doing everything for everyone else and can not for the life of you remember the last time you did something for you, take this time to reflect and declare it "YOU TIME" or "ME TIME" whichever you prefer and do not let anyone or thing interrupt you for however long you determine.  "BREATHE!"  And say to yourself, "THIS IS FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE!" 

Once you can declare a "me time"  let it become routine, routines are healthy.  If you say your are going to run 3 miles at 5:30 am then get your butt out of bed and RUN! If you are meeting with trainer at a certain time do your best to keep that appointment, who cares if you inconvenience someone else for 45 minutes.  Let them know you will make it worth their while.  BECAUSE THIS IS MY TIME TO DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO FOR ME!