Monday, April 4, 2011

4 Month Check Up

Hello Again,

Every New Year we find it necessary to make a resolution to do something we have not done or change something we have not changed.  And most of us are committed for a month or two, some of us a little longer but too few actually stick with the original plan.  Don't get me wrong, I am sure every resolution was made with the best of intention.  Unfortunately, LIFE HAPPENS!  I get it, YOU'RE HUMAN, aren't we all. 

We all slip up from time to time, no one is perfect.  Although we were taught not to be selfish, well some of us, but when it comes to your health it is OK to be selfish.  We as humans tend to get side tracked on doing everything for everyone else that we put "us" off for later.  Most times we forget about "us." Yes, sometimes it is second nature to put others first, but at what point to we have to draw the line and say, it's my time now!

Now this is a health and fitness blog, at least it is supposed to be.  So, if you are reading this and your New Year resolution was to go the gym more, get in better shape, run or walk more, lose weight, decrease body fat, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, this is for YOU.  However, if your resolution has nothing to do with health or fitness, this is still for you. 

Having said that, IT IS APRIL!  What have you done?  Are you on track to reaching your goals?  Or, are you the majority and have given up on what you set out to do?

This is your 4 MONTH CHECK UP!  If you are someone who made the resolution to better your health and fitness but have done nothing to help yourself, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!  This is where you reevaluate what is important to you and then do something about it.  It all starts with accountability and accountability begins and ends with YOU and only you. 

If you have given up on your resolution(s), MY CHALLENGE TO YOU IS, renew your resolution and get back on track, stop with the excuses and finish what you set out to do.  Life happens and unfortunately, it waits for no one.  So make time for NUMERO UNO!
