Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey Friend,

Let me ask you a question.  Are you a DOER or a BOO HOO 'ER?  A BOO HOO 'ER is someone who will do everything they can and use every excuse in the book to keep from having to do the necessary work to reach and even surpass their goals. 

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
                                                                                       -Abraham Lincoln-

This holds true in the fitness industry as well.  I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to taking the necessary steps to achieving fitness success.  There are days, weeks, even months where I don't want anything to do with a gym.  And believe me I've used every excuse out there from I'm tired or I hate my job to I feel like people are judging me when I workout.  You're are not alone!  There are several times where I have had to really dig down deep to find even an inkling of desire to want to get off of the couch but I did it and I do it everyday because I know in the long run NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR ME!  I am in the driver seat and only I hold the keys to my success and no one is going to stop me from reaching my goals.


Stop waiting for the right moment and take the keys, take back control of your life.  Life waits for no one, take the time to pursue whats important to you and become a DOER!  DO! Set goals.  DO! Push yourself beyond what you think you can do.  DO! Address your fears. 

By becoming a DOER you are taking action, you are enabling yourself to achieve the unthinkable.  If you want to be skinny DO IT! If you want to run a marathon DO IT!  If you want to do pull-ups DO IT!  NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT FOR YOU! So turn your life around and become a DOER and Kick the BOO HOO 'ER to the curb!!!!
