Hi there,
Well, Summer is finally here! Hopefully you were ready for it. You worked hard all winter long and through the spring to get in the best shape of your life and now you're ready to sport that hot new swimsuit you've been dying to fit into.
My question to you is, Are you the type of person who puts all of your efforts into getting ready for the summer only to party and watch everything you worked for go away? Or, are you disciplined and continue to fine tune that body you worked so hard for?
Throughout my years of training I have encounted far too many people who work their "tail" off right up until about the the first sign of nice weather and then they disappear from the gym. Maybe they are taking advantage of the weather and participating in an outdoor fitness camp or prefer to run, walk or bike outside. If so, GO YOU! Unfortunately, a greater majority of those people are indulging in other "extra-curricular" activities.
These I call "Some-er distractions" because some, not all, of the activities we choose to partake in have an unfortunately powerful strangle hold on our decision making when it comes to working out in the summer. Keep in mind I am not saying you can not or should not enjoy your summer and have fun. Just remember that more often than not these distraction come with consequences. If you can live with potentially gaining back most if not all of the weight your worked so hard to lose than by all means go for it, it's your body, your life.
However, a little note, sometimes indulging in too many "some-er distractions" will actually add unnecessary weight that you might find even more difficult to get rid of.
Best Wishes this Summer,