I would like to apologize for taking so long to post another blog. I have simply been trying to come up with an original topic for this time of year. It seems like right around this time anyone who may have something to say or do with health and fitness always writes about the dreaded "New Years Resolution". Now don't get me wrong the thought had crossed my mind, however, I just couldn't bring myself to "NAG" at everyone who says every year, "THIS IS THE YEAR I AM GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT!" I mean great! GO FOR IT! But stick to it and give it an honest effort.
WHOA! Sorry, I kind of went of on a tangent.
Let's get back on track.
Rather than you reading about my belly aching how no one ever does what they say they are going to do. I am going to give you my TOP 5 Ways to AVOID Unnecessary OVEREATING during the holidays. Are you ready? Here goes:
5. If you MUST HAVE DESSERT: CHOOSE WISELY, (1 PIECE, small) NOT two or three and certainly NOT THE WHOLE DAMN PIE!
4. I know Mom and Grandma's cooking is delicious but GO EASY on the Carbs and NO SECONDS! REMEMBER Portion size is Half the Battle.
3. Drink Plenty of WATER. Drinking lots of water will give you that full sensation without the extra calories allowing you to curb your appetite better than if you were starving.
2. DON'T SNACK on holiday treats. These are empty unwanted calories that you don't need and more often than not are full of sugars and starches.
And finally my #1 tip for avoiding holiday overeating....

Thank you for stopping by and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yours in Inspiration,